Thứ Ba, 1 tháng 12, 2015

Writing Task 2 - Causes và Problems - Ngôn ngữ và cấu trúc

Ngôn ngữ


  • Since/Because
  • Because of/Owing to/Due to (the fact that)
  • The reason that…/why…/for… is that…
  • This matter/problem… | can be attributed to …/ is resulted from
  • … lead to this prolem…


  • Thus/Therefore/Consequently.
  • As a result/consequence,…
  • The result of … is/would be/could be…
  • … would/could result in


  • One possible/notable way to solve/overcome/deal with/mitigate the problem would be/is …
  • People/Goverment/The society/Individuals/ Each individual should focus his/their attention on + Ving.

Example: Each individual should focus his attention on protecting the enviroment.

Chú ý: tránh dùng các từ ngữ quá “mạnh” như will, definitely, absolutely… mà nên dùng những từ ngữ mang tính dự đoán như would, may, might, could, likely…

VD về diễn đạt

Câu gốc: We should use green technology to reduce using natural resources.

Các biến thể của câu gốc:

  •     It is important to use green technology to reduce exploiting natural resources. 
  •     It is advisable to use green technology so that more natural resource would be saved.
  •     Green technology should be used by more people to conserve natural resources.
  •     It is a necessity that green technology must be applied for the reduction in use of natural resources.
  •     In order to preserve more natural resources, green technology should necessarily be used more commonly.

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