Thứ Ba, 1 tháng 12, 2015

Writing Task 2 - Causes và Problems - Templates

Template 1


  • Paraphrase câu của đề bài
  • There are a number of reasons behind this point of view and several solutions should be proposed to .....


Body 1. Topic sentence 1: There are two primary reasons why ......
  • One reason is that ….
  • Another reason is that...
Body 2. Topic sentence 2: However, measures must be taken by governments and international bodies to......
  • Firstly,.. /The first solution would be …./One simple solution would be…
  • A second measure would be… /Furthermore,…/Also,…
Lưu ý: Solutions ở body 2 phải giải quyêt được các reasons nêu ở body 1


In conclusion, it is clear that there are various reasons for... (topic), and steps need to be taken to tackle this problem.

Template 2

Introduction: It  is  true  that  (topic). Although  there  will  undoubtedly  be  some  negative consequences of this trend, societies can take steps to mitigate these potential problems.


  • Body 1: Several related problems can be anticipated when (topic) The main issue is that (problem 1). (Explanation/example).  Further pressures will include (problem 2). (Explanation/example). (Topic) can also result in (problem 3). (Explanation/example)
  • Body 2: There are several actions that governments could take to solve the problems described above. Firstly, a simple solution would be to (solution 1). (Explanation/example). A second measure would be (solution 2). (Explanation/example). Finally, ( solution 3). (Explanation/example).

Conclusion: In conclusion, various measures can be taken to tackle the problems that are certain to arise as (topic)

Template 3: Giới thiệu solutions

General statement

  • In my view, there are a number of actions that could be taken to tackle this issue.
  • I honestly believe that there are a few ways to resolve this problem
Solution 1: The easiest way to work it out would be to…/ One possible suggestion is for sb to do sth. By doing so, what will happen?/ (Or give an example)

Solution 2: What people could also do about this is to……../Another possible course of action is to …….. If this is done, what will happen? (Or give an example)

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