Thứ Ba, 24 tháng 11, 2015

Writing Task 2 - Opinion - Cách làm

1. Các dạng câu hỏi Opinion

  • To what extent do you agree or disagree?
  • Do you agree or disagree?
  • What are your opinion? (phải cẩn thận vì câu hỏi dạng này có phần hơi giống với discussion essay, discuss both sides and give your opinion.)
  • Is this positive or negative development?

Hướng giải: câu của đề bài hỏi quan điểm của bạn. Bạn nên đưa ra quan điểm của bạn thật rõ ràng ngay ở phần mở bài. Bạn có thể:
  • Hoàn toàn đồng ý (hoặc không đồng ý)
  • Đồng ý một phần

Chú ý các kiểu câu hỏi trên làm như nhau, đều có thể đồng ý hoàn toàn (hoặc ko) hoặc đồng ý 1 phần.

2. Dàn bài 1

Mở bài:
  • Câu 1: Nêu chủ đề của bài viết, paraphrase lại câu đề bài.
  • Câu 2: Nêu quan điểm của bạn (đồng ý hoặc là không đồng ý) hoàn toàn. Một số cụm hữu dụng : I do not agree with the idea of …/I do not agree that …/I completely disagree/agree with this idea..../ Personally, I agree that.../ However, I believe that...
Chú ý: Phải thể hiện rõ quan điểm của bạn. Đừng nêu quan điểm của người khác. Ví dụ "some people believe / other people argue..." . Nêu như vậy sẽ dễ nhầm sang dạng "discuss both views"

Thân bài 1: “First reason” giải thích cho giám khảo tại sao quan điểm của bạn đúng

Thân bài 2: “Second reason” giải thích cho giám khảo tại sao quan điểm của bạn đúng

Kết luận: nhắc lại quan điểm của bạn (chú ý paraphrase lại toàn bộ câu 2 ở phần mở bài )

3. Dàn bài 2

Đồng ý “một phần”:

Mở bài:
  • Câu 1: Nêu chủ đề của bài viết. Paraphrase lại câu đề bài.
  • Câu 2: Nêu quan điểm của bạn là đồng ý một phần. Một số cụm hữu dụng để nêu quan điểm một phần: I “partly” agree, I agree to some extent, Although I accept that ..., I disagree with the idea that..., While I accept that..., I believe that....,. To a certain extent I agree that ... However, I also believe that.
Chú ý: Phải thể hiện rõ quan điểm của bạn. Đừng nêu quan điểm của người khác hay nêu kiểu chung chung. Ví dụ "While there are benefits to …., there are also good reasons…. / Many people suppose that …., whereas others believe (that)…" . Nêu như vậy sẽ dễ nhầm sang dạng "discuss both views"

Thân bài 1: Một mặt, bạn đồng ý vì…

Thân bài 2: Mặt khác, bạn không đồng ý vì….

Kết luận: nhắc lại quan điểm của bạn là đồng ý một phần

4. Ví dụ 1

When choosing a job, the salary is the most important consideration.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?

a. Dàn bài (viết theo quan điểm 1 phần)

  • Paraphrase the keywords of the topic
  • Answer the question part of the task (note: make your opinion clear)
Body 1: discuss why a high salary is important when choosing a job 
  • having a good standard of living
  • motivation
Body 2: two other factors which you consider to be extremely important
  • job satisfaction
  • the contribution that the work may make towards society
  • Paraphrase what you wrote in your introduction

b. Mở bài

CÂU 1:

Đề bài: When choosing a job, the salary is the most important consideration.
Viêt lại: It is true that some job seekers select their career based on salary level

CÂU 2:

While I accept that this may suit many people, I believe that others base their job choice on more important considerations rather than salary alone.

c. Thân bài 1

On the one hand, there are a variety of reasons why people should choose a high-paying job. One reason is that a wage plays an integral part in guaranteeing an acceptable standard of living. Being
offered a high salary allows employees to meet their basic needs, buy a comfortable house and perhaps even go on luxury holidays. Furthermore, one of the best motivations is a competitive salary. For example, the head of a company may offer a pay rise to a new employee who is able to achieve a sales target during the year. This rewarding perk will encourage the new sales staff to try hard and enhance the level of job performance.

Cấu trúc đoạn trên

  • Câu 1: Topic sentence
  • Câu 2: Lý do 1.
  • Câu 3: Giải thích + ví dụ (buy a comfortable house ...)
  • Câu 4: Lý do 2
  • Câu 5: Ví dụ
  • Câu 6: Hệ quả của ví dụ -> support cho best motivations.

d. Thân bài 2

On the other hand, job seekers have different reasons apart from salary to choose a job. Firstly, job satisfaction is extremely important when people choose their career. If a person adores the outdoor life, he will not be happy being a stockbroker or a financier, no matter that the salaries for both jobs are extremely high. Secondly, contributing to the community is another reason to consider a job. This could bring about a much more civilized society. For instance, Mr Kurt a Danish man, who has lived in Vietnam for about 20 years, has constructed 6 schools and other facilities for disabled children instead of working for the Danish Embassy.

Cấu trúc đoạn trên
  • Câu 1: Topic sentence
  • Câu 2: Lý do 1
  • Câu 3: Ví dụ
  • Câu 4: Lý do 2
  • Câu 5: Hệ quả của lý do 2
  • Câu 6: Ví dụ.

e. Kết luận

Câu mở bài: It is true that some job seekers select their career based on salary level. While I accept that this may suit many people, I believe that others base their job choice on more important considerations rather than salary alone.

Câu kết luận: In conclusion, it is certainly true that money can be an important factor for many people when choosing prospective employment, but this is by no means the key consideration for everybody in making a career decision.

5. Ví dụ 2

It is not necessary to travel to other places to learn the culture of other people. We can learn just as
much from books, films and the internet. Do you agree or disagree?

It is argued that travelling is not essential when people desire to gain understanding about different
cultures, thanks to a great deal of information in books, films and online. While I accept that the latter has a number of benefits, I believe that the former could be advantageous to some extent.

On the one hand, learning about culture through books, movies and the internet could bring a wide range of advantages. Firstly, people could save a great deal of time by doing this. Instead of wasting several weeks visiting places, they now find it much easier to just stay at home to broaden their knowledge about different cultures, due to the breakthrough in storing and providing information. Secondly, the amount of information which is provided via these kinds of media is limitless. It is accessible and easy for people to discover national cultures, which are usually portrayed in books, films and especially on the internet.

On the other hand, visiting different places could be beneficial in some ways. First, tourists could gain real and valuable experience through trips. For example, many of the tourists to Thailand go to watch the shows of transgender models and claim that they could understand the difficulties of these people. As a result, people would show much more positive attitudes towards transsexual men and women. Furthermore, travelling gives tourists countless opportunities to make friends from different places. Tourism could help people to build up valuable relationships because they may have chances to not only meet but also share feelings with other tourists from an array of countries.

In conclusion, while I support the idea that books, films and the internet could bring benefits to people to learn about different cultural aspects, actual travelling is by no means unnecessary when tourists want to discover lifestyles and national customs of different cultures.

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